
With a twice-weekly column appearing in over 500 newspapers worldwide, Cal Thomas is the most widely read and one of the most highly regarded voices on the American political scene. His USA TODAY feature, Common Ground, provides insightful discussion of contentious social issues with his friend and political counterpart, Bob Beckel. Their book “Common Ground: How to Stop The Partisan Bickering That Is Destroying America” is published by William Morrow. A graduate of American University, Thomas is a veteran of broadcast and print journalism. He has worked for NBC, CNBC, PBS television, and the Fox News Channel where he currently appears weekly on the media critique show, “Fox News Watch.” He has appeared on NBC Nightly News, Nightline, The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN Crossfire, Larry King Live, and the Oprah Winfrey Show.

In 1995, Thomas was honored with a Cable Ace Award nomination for Best Interview Program. Other awards include a George Foster Peabody team reporting award, and awards from both the Associated Press and United Press International. A writer of force and clarity, Thomas has authored ten books, including (with Bob Beckel) “Common Ground: How To Stop The Partisan War That Is Destroying America,” published in October, 2007 by William Morrow. He also has written, “The Wit and Wisdom of Cal Thomas,” “Blinded by Might: Can the Religious Right Save America?”,” A Freedom Dream,” “ Public Persons and Private Lives,” “ Book Burning,” “ Liberals for Lunch,” “ Occupied Territory,” “ The Death of Ethics in America,” “ Uncommon Sense” and “Things That Matter Most.” In addition to his journalistic and literary achievements, Thomas lectures frequently and is in great demand as a speaker for non-profit and corporate audiences worldwide. Thomas and his wife, Ray, who is a family therapist, have four children and eight grandchildren and live in the Washington DC area.



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